Crim Cares Family Restoration Center is committed to providing caring, efficient, and responsive services to children and families. We have programs directed to groups, families, and/or individuals, for all ages.

Family and children services

Group, Family, Individuals

Crim Cares helps families, groups, couples, individuals, children, adolescents, and guardians through therapy and counseling.
Our therapy and counseling programs include emotional and educational support, alcohol, and drug/substance abuse rehabilitation support, parenting, behavior modification and anger management.

Core Services

Early intervention children services

Early Intervention

We can help families before they reach the point of needing Child Protective Services (CPS) intervention. Services include intensive home visitation, case management, and referral services.

Parent aide services

Wrap Around Services

Comprehensive behavioral treatment and case management services. Provides critical support to Permanency or Family Preservation. Promotes safe, stable families and/or early reunification.

Wrap family services

Wrap for Children

Wrap Around Services are used to support children placed in DCFS foster homes, reunited with birth families, or placed with relative caregivers who receive a Relative Support subsidy.

Parent Aide

Community-based prevention activities to afford children a safe, stable and supportive family setting. Services include parenting education and training to build and increase the strength/stability of families.

prevent child abuse and neglect

Protecting Children

Parent Aide Services are designed to increase parent confidence and competence in their parenting abilities, and enhance family functioning  to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Drug screening services

Drug Screening

Collections and lab results for the following screening types: urine analysis, hair follicle, oral swab, sweat patch, fingernail. Mobile and/or onsite screenings. Court appearances.